Healing Virtue


Healing Virtue

Healing virtue like a river
From the Father freely flows
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Flowing from His gracious throne 

Let His power heal you
Let Him make you whole
His own hands will touch you
Let Him heal you now

In Luke’s gospel, we read that, “the whole multitude sought to touch Jesus for there went virtue out of Him, and healed them all.” From Mark’s gospel, we learn that when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus’ garment, healing virtue flowed into her body and immediately she was made whole. 

We know from the gospels that people came from everywhere to touch Jesus. When they did, healing virtue flowed out from Him and healed them all. These are beautiful and amazing depictions of the healing ministry of Jesus and of the healing power of God. 

Our Father has provided for our every need. His healing virtue is the provision of power that heals our bodies. The streams of healing power that flow from Him are for your healing and for your wholeness. Let His power heal you. Let Him make you whole!