Mark 11:24
Mark 11:24
Whatsoever things you desire
Ask in His Name with faith
And you’ll receive
For the Lord desires to bless you
Only believe, only believe
Looking in his eyes, Jesus said,
Sir, what can you believe?
If you believe, I can deliver your son
So don’t hold me back; stretch out your heart in faith
I’ll deliver him, I’ll deliver him, I’ll deliver him, if you believe
What can you believe? That’s the question
What can you believe? Jesus said
For My heart it’s toward you, of power there is no lack. What can you believe?
Thank God, these words of Jesus stand forever.
I heard Him say, If you believe, I’ll deliver your son
So people don’t hold Him back, stretch out your heart in faith
He’ll deliver you, He’ll deliver you, He’ll deliver you, if you will believe
The Word of God liveth, abideth forever
Jesus Christ; He’s still healing today
Faith is the key; it’s all you need
God is well able to do what you believe!
Very often in His ministry, Jesus pointed out the faith of those who were healed. His oft-repeated words, “Your faith has made you whole,” reveal the essential aspect of a person’s faith in receiving what the Lord has offered.
Faith, at its core, is taking God at His Word. Faith is believing that what God has said and what He has promised is true. According to the apostle James, the person who prays without faith should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. According to the author of Hebrews, when faith is not mixed with the Word of God, then what God has promised does not come to pass. According to Jesus, whatever things we ask for, in faith, believing, we will receive.
Determine to pray in faith, to walk by faith, to speak words of faith, and to live by faith. Right now, you can receive your healing, by faith, as you listen to the text of this song.