Praying For The Harvest


When Jesus looked out upon the multitudes of people who were scattered and dying, He instructed His disciples to, “Pray ye, therefore.” This instruction Jesus gave to His original disciples has passed on through the generations to every disciple. Often, however, like Jesus’ own disciples, modern disciples don’t know how to pray for the lost.  They might make the same request Jesus’ early disciples made when they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

In Praying for the Harvest, Guy not only teaches about prayer, but teaches three simple, but Scripturally and effectual prayers that can be prayed for the lost. You will learn how to ask for the outpouring of the latter rain. You will learn how to pray for supernatural laborers to be thrust out into the harvest. And you will learn to pray for yourself so that you can play a part in bringing in the harvest of lost souls.

Praying for the Harvest will direct your eyes to the great harvest of souls waiting to be saved and help you to pray for that great harvest.